Attitude is contagious. One upbeat, positive person can change the vibe of the whole room. The same can be said for one negative person. In situations where multiple people are allowed to spread their negativity all over, the workplace can become downright toxic. If you find yourself regularly coming into contact with people who have bad attitudes, take these steps to avoid … [Read more...]
Get Employees Pumped to Attend Training
Because you are reading these words, I am confident you are a believer in ongoing learning and development for yourself and those you lead. So you may find it hard to understand why your team members dread the training that you make available to them. Many leaders who have attended my leadership training courses through the years have asked me "How do I get my employees … [Read more...]
Helping Without Doing
On today's video, I'm answering a common leadership question and providing five actionable tips to help you be more successful. How can I help others without doing it for them? As a leader, be helpful but don't do it for them. @KevinEikenberry … [Read more...]
Creating a Process to Reduce Conflict
There are a lot of moving pieces when it comes to managing conflict and a very important component is helping to get to a resolution plan. In today's episode, we are giving actionable tips for creating a process that reduces conflict and helps leaders to move employees toward a resolution in any conflict situation. … [Read more...]
Communicate Effectively with People Different From You
When you only use the communication style that is most comfortable for you, you reduce the likelihood that you will communicate effectively. And the reason being that this puts the focus on the wrong thing. In today's video, I'll share tips on how to communicate with people who are different from you and what our focus needs to be if we want to be successful in our … [Read more...]
A Leader’s Role in Unexpected Change
In my podcast, I play a game with my guests. While I will prepare them in advance for the conversation, giving them typical questions or topics that we'll discuss, I also play on their spontaneity, giving them one word and asking them to tell me what comes to mind immediately. I believe there is a lot of value in spontaneity and we've certainly heard it on the podcast from … [Read more...]
Don’t Forget the Big Picture When You Delegate Work
"Just tell me what to do." "What is the task list?" "Can you give me a checklist?" "What exactly do you need from me?" Those are all smart questions that you hear from employees from time to time. For the sake of avoiding confusion and misunderstandings, we recommend that you provide employees with specific details whenever you delegate work to them. However, … [Read more...]
How to Have Difficult Conversations Successfully
There are a lot of challenging situations that new leaders face and the one that we get the most questions about is this: how do I have have a tough conversation without damaging the relationship? It's a sticky situation, and in today's video we're providing some easy and actionable tips for making this task just a little bit … [Read more...]
The Best Accountability Tool? You Already Own It
Do you wish your employees would be more accountable? Most supervisors do. I hear leaders complain all the time about the lack of accountability among their employees, and they consistently ask me for tips and tools for building accountability. Do you want to know what I think is the best tool for building accountability? You already have one. It's a mirror. Here's why: When … [Read more...]
The Valentine’s Gift to Give to Your Team
Elementary school and Valentine’s Day. It's probably a day you remember well. Everyone arrives with a bag filled with Valentine’s Cards, signed and sealed with names on the outside of the envelope. Secretly, or not so secretly, this is a day many have long been awaiting. Will I get a card from Bobby or Andrew or Betty or Ashleigh? And if I do (or if the “rules” state that … [Read more...]